" We perceive travelling as an art in its true essence. It is a communication between the traveler and an alternate world that they are yet to experience. At Moksha Stories, we combine these aspects in surprising and delightful ways. Opening a gateway to the world of unforgettable experiences and refreshing possibilities for both our partners and travelers alike."

Making a difference

As a responsible travel company, Moksha Stories believe in the coexistence of our natural environment, its indigenous communities, their diverse cultures, traditions, languages, etc. We are for sustainable development by reducing inequality as much as possible and thus making an impact. We welcome everyone to be a part of us in all possible manners and together we can make a difference.

Resolutely rural

We are centered in a land that knows villages. Every village has an innate culture and landscape which is brimming with vibrancy and authenticity. Shaped over by years of human activity, these villages have created self-sustaining biodiversity. At Moksha stories, we try to curate the million stories, learnings, and experiences these villages have to offer.

Human in scale

We believe the core function of travel is to make stirring changes in one's life. Out of ordinary, you are set to be in places unknown, meeting people living lives different from yours in every detail. Our partners are people whose lives we know; the magic of which we are aware; craftsmen, artists, farmers, activists, teachers, healers, weavers etc.

A Cultural Symbiosis

Art and culture are an ecosystem in itself that it becomes difficult to separate one from another. For us, travel is about learning about a land and its innate treasures in its most raw and detailed form.

Yesterday meets tomorrow

As a responsible travel company, our efforts aren't limited to tourism. In parallel to identifying and curating local experiences, we have focused on documenting cultural and agricultural practices wherever possible to enable their sustenance.

Being Sustainable

We understand that our communities and the ecosystem revolving around them are our greatest strengths. Utmost care and meticulous input go behind maintaining this equilibrium. We curate each of our experiences to align with the sustainable development goals of UNWTO.

Sharing social, cultural and economic benefits transborders

Human in scale

Moksha Stories believes in the preservation of Cultural practises

A Cultural Symbiosis

Promotion ethical values common to humanity via tourism

Yesterday meets tomorrow

Tourism, a factor for sustainable tourism

Being Sustainable

Moksha Stories guarantees local circuits for experience.

Resolutely rural

Time of your Life

Curated experince for honeymoon couples in Kerala. Nelliyampthy, an ideal location for spending time with friends.

Together Time

We curate tours for senior citizenGlipmses of the disabled tours conducted by Moksha Stories

Equality In Travel

A guest taking photos of Kerala achitecture during photography tourSnapshot from our special interest tours

Enabling Passion

We handle unique destinations in Kerala ideal for destination weddingsOutdoor team building activity held by Moksha Stories

Group Events

Solo travelling options to Kerala are best with Moksha Stories. Community experience as a part of our village tours

Travelling Solo

Our Initiatives

As a responsible travel company, Moksha Stories believe in the coexistence of our natural environment, its indigenous communities, their diverse cultures, traditions, languages, etc. We are for sustainable development by reducing inequality as much as possible and thus making an impact. We welcome everyone to be a part of us in all possible manners and together we can make a difference.

Cycle Stories- A cycle tour along the canals of Palakkad.

Discovering Land Of Canals

Jignyasa - grassroot level workshop for our children

Jignyasa - The Social Network

Tourism activites held for differently abled children by Moksha Stories

Mokshanubhava Project

Regeneration- Upscaling a 100 year old heritage home

An Affair with Regeneration

Agriculture- A scenic location from our paddy farm

Stories Of Agriculture

A Bouquet For Resolute Women

What do our guests say?

Overall Average Rating

Spanish international team tourism

Spanish Team

International tourist review

Esko Hurme - Helsinki

I've never before seen a big traditional building that still is used as a joint family's home. It was a happy feeling to see how well maintained the building is and how the traditional structures were still in use. The lunch was super good and the atmosphere in house relaxed and easy. I would without any hesitation recommend the services of Mr Sreejith to anyone who is interested.

Mokshanubhava Public initiaive involved tourism review

Mokshanubhava experience

International tourist review

Mirallas Anna – Catalunya

Excellent company, I love to see this spectacular culture. Es muy grande la labor que haceis,grande luche!

International tourist review

Ann Maria - Belgium

International tourist review

Aru Gaya – Mauritius

We had a wonderful day and enjoyed it more with the help of guides. We really appreciate the concept of Responsible Tourism that you are promoting. Best of Luck and Thank you for everything

International tourist review

Anna Marti Vinyals – Barcelona

Very nice day and a nice visit, I would like to come back and walk around the streets a bit more. Anyway, it was wonderful and friendly and nice people and guides. Thank you for everything.

Our Numbers

And we're just getting started...



Heritage homes






expeditions curated



satisfied customers

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